Tindle news brand leads way on digital audience

Our Cambrian News team are celebrating after their website topped a table for user engagement.

After being named as finalist for a leading news award, their latest awards recognition, the team have come out on top of a digital analytics report.

The Cambrian News team, pictured collecting the best weekly newspaper award at November’s Welsh Media Awards, topped monthly figures for December.

An article for the Cambrian News takes up the story: EXCUSE US if we’ brag just a little bit more about Cambrian News — but we’ve just beaten EVERY OTHER NEWS SITE in Britain and Ireland in December.

More of you stayed longer on cambrian-news.co.uk that month than on any other news site — and that includes national and regional dailies, specialist news online sites — even that walesonline thing.

Here’s what Hold the Front Page, a media trade publication, had to say about the detailed figures from IPSOS, the nationally respected analytics and polling company: “A weekly newspaper website topped the table for user engagement in December after entering the monthly ‘chart’ for the first time.

“Visitors to cambrian-news.co.uk – the website of Aberystwyth-based weekly the Cambrian News – spent an average of ten minutes or more on the site, earning the number one ranking for engagement in the monthly figures compiled by IPSOS.

“Although the Tindle-owned title boasted an audience of just over 77,000 unique visitors – a fraction of the 9m-plus users of the Manchester Evening News and Bimingham Live – its users stayed longer than on any other UK local news website.”

Cambrian News Editor Mick O’Reilly said the IPSOS data for December “was a very pleasant surprise indeed”.

Mick said: “More and more of our resources are dedicated to cambrian-news.co.uk and getting your local news first. We have a very substantial following online, and our videos and content is clearly winning over a growing and engaged audience online. And we provide real news and information, not pabulum for the masses.”

Emily Woolfe,  the Editorial Director for Tindle Newspapers said: “I am exceptionally proud to see Cambrian News top the engagement chart, outstripping our often much-larger competitors.

“The team has worked exceptionally hard on its online engagement, ensuring they produce content that is relevant to their audience and resonates with all of our readers. As we accelerate our digital journey these results will only get better, and I am excited to see what the talented team can achieve.”

Scott Wood, Managing Director for Tindle Newspapers, said: “The company is transforming into a digital-first entity, and this gives us all confidence that we are providing relevant engaging content for the audience. There is still much to do, but the team should feel positive they are getting things right.”

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