Gef honours Isle of Man’s 30 Under 30 at winners’ party

Our website Gef has celebrated talented Isle of Man people aged under 30 at its second annual winners’ party.

Gef and Media Isle of Man, our brands on the Isle of Man, brought together the best of the community last Thursday (June 20) with the 30 Under 30 winners showcasing the bright future for the Island.

30 Under 30 provides outstanding young individuals with an energetic digital, social media and print campaign to celebrate and showcase their finest achievements, talents and contribution to our island’s future.

Each year 30 exceptional nominees are recognised and celebrated across an exciting campaign and winners party.

A full article on the Gef website included photos from the event, with this report on the evening:

Gef’s 30 Under 30 threw our 2024 Winners Party last night to celebrate the island’s shining stars of tomorrow. How best to highlight the incredible and inspiring work of a bunch of truly amazing young locals? Well, with LED Robot Men, fire dancing, and sacred ground. Naturally. (I’ve had confirmation all of the above were witnessed by other people too. I wasn’t just hallucinating again).

Hosted by Gef and Media Isle of Man’s very own Kim Graziano, Dion Jones, and Sam Jones (not married or related) the party returned to its old haunt, St Matthew’s Church on North Quay in Douglas. Under the watchful gaze of our Lord and Saviour – Gef the Mongoose – the campaign partners, judges, VIPs, and iconic 30 Under 30 winners were all brought together in a big old impressive people-cocktail for a night of feel-good schmoozing, boozing, and celebrating.

We thought a red carpet outside the venue might be a bit too much, so instead, guests were welcomed by Gravity Live’s Mirror Men and Butterfly Stilt Walkers. Inside, ELS worked their magic to make the church look dazzling. The place glowed. And they weren’t the only local companies to help make the night as spectacular as it was. Guests were treated to a light show and a fire dancer, meanwhile, 14 North had guests’ mouths watering with delicious Manx morsels and Kiki Lounge whipped up some bespoke cocktails especially for the night.

Then it was onto the main event. The real stars of the show. Our 30 Under 30 winners.

After a few words from Ambrose McCartney on behalf of the London Institute of Business & Technology, the Headline Partner for Gef’s 30 Under 30, Media Isle of Man’s totally charming Editor and Welshman Dion Jones, and Head of Brand & Creative and New Yorker Kim Graziano welcomed each winner and their category partner to the stage to rapturous applause for their much-deserved moment in the spotlight and to present them with their trophy. (Which, I’d like to add were once again, all made with sustainably sourced wood and recycled plastic). Let’s have a little reminder of this year’s spectacular winners.

In partnership with the London Institute of Business & Technology
Amy Kelly
Charlotte Scarffe
Aalin George

In partnership with the Manx Wildlife Trust
Natasha Johnson
Anna Clarke-Smith
Erin Duncan

Community Impact
In partnership with Frank Matchams & Jaks Group
Jay Wight
Kim Tastagh
Joe Reid

In partnership with the Isle of Man Arts Council
Catharine Devine
Mera Royle
Amy Price

In partnership with Capital International Group
Callum Davies
Jack Igglesden
Aiza Khan

In partnership with Startup Grind
Caitlin Trenholme
Sam Levi
Joseph Ricciardi

In partnership with Zurich International
Ellen Wilson
Josh Sinclair
Dominic Wall

In partnership with the Comis Hotel & Golf Resort
India Dick
Bayleigh Mitchell
Ruth Quillin-Creamer

In partnership with Unesco Biosphere Isle of Man and Net Zero Isle of Man
Sarah Mercer
Emma Sayle
Katie Watson

In partnership with Love Tech
Savannha Gunnell
Luke Wilson
Georgia Foxton

Glenn from Your Movie Crew – whom winners might remember from their fancy photoshoots – was our local paparazzi (not the restaurant) for the evening, filming the event and taking beautifully candid shots of everyone looking all cool and impressive.

The awards closed with a speech from Mrs Sarah Maltby MHK on behalf of the Department for Enterprise, the Event Partner for the evening, who said:

“I would like to extend my congratulations to each of you and express our pride in being part of this celebration of your achievements, and to be supporting this important initiative.

Each one of you is truly shaping the future of our businesses and community.

Tonight’s 30 finalists have shown extraordinary talent and dedication across their fields; from technology to finance, creative arts to sustainability, entrepreneurs and more, and have highlighted the incredible diversity of opportunities available to our Island’s young people.

In a world where change is the only constant, it is these young minds that dare to dream beyond the conventional, challenge the status quo, and pave the way for a better, more sustainable, and innovative tomorrow.

Each one of you have inspired peers, family members and colleagues through the nomination process, and then shone in front of a panel of esteemed judges. And your recognition reminds us of the incredible potential that lies within our community, and in our Island.

So tonight, we celebrate you. I have no doubt that you will all continue to shine in years to come, and continue to pave the way for a bright, secure, and promising future for the Isle of Man.”

The whole ordeal was fabulously fun, designed not only to celebrate the brilliant achievements of Gef’s 30 Under 30 2024 winners but to provide a relaxed opportunity to bring them and guests together under one roof to meet and mingle and see what magic comes from it.

It doesn’t end here though. Gef’s 30 Under 30 campaign is continuing ALL YEAR ROUND. Oh yes, my friend. Buckle in because there’s going to be mixers and shindigs all summer long, plus discussion-based events when the winter nights draw in. So, don’t be too downhearted about the end of our incredible Winner’s Party because we’re just getting started.

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